Starring: Amber Midthunder, Dane DiLiegro, Stormee Kipp, Michelle Thrush, Julian Black Antelope, Dane DiLiegro
Hulu/Disney+ sci-fi action horror prequel directed by Dan Trachtenberg. Set in the world of the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, Prey (2022) follows Naru (Amber Midthunder), a fierce and highly skilled young warrior. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved Predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries.
Our Favorite Quotes:
'It knows how to hunt. But I know how to survive.' - Naru (Prey Trailer) Share on X
Best Quotes
Naru: A long time ago, it is said, a monster came here.
Naru: Taabe, this morning in the sky, I saw a sign. The thunder bird. I’ve been practicing. It’s time. I’m ready for my kuhtaamia.
Taabe: You really think you’re ready? You want to hunt something that’s hunting you?
Aruka: [referring to Naru’s dog] Trained him well.
Naru: It’s easy. He’s smart.
Aruka: Not every smart creature is easy to train.
Aruka: [referring to her axe] Your father left you that to cut bread root with.
Naru: I almost got a deer with it.
Aruka: Yeah. Well, we can’t eat “almost”.
Aruka: My girl, you are good at so many other things. Why do you want to hunt?
Naru: Because you all think that I can’t.
'Why do you want to hunt?' - Aruka 'Because you all think that I can't.' - Naru (Prey) Share on X
Paaka: You could get shot sneaking up like that.
Naru: Who’s sneaking?
Wasape: Who invited you? We won’t be gone long enough to need a cook.
Taabe: She should stay. She tracks well. And if we find Puhi alive, she knows medicine.
Taabe: You have to find that cat now.
Naru: I will.
Taabe: I know. Because you have to.
Wasape: Oh, good. The dog found s**t.
Paaka: We’re not looking for wolves.
Naru: It’s not wolf.
Naru: I’m coming with you.
Taabe: I can handle the lion.
Naru: No, it’s not just the lion. Why is Puhi alive? There’s something that scared the cat away from its den.
Paaka: Could be bear tracks.
Naru: Maybe. But that’s a big bear. And why was it on its hind legs? And what skins a snake like that?
Taabe: Why did you come back?
Naru: I found tracks, and they were huge.
Taabe: I’m not frightened by a bear.
Naru: I don’t think it was a bear.
Naru: I don’t know what it was. I’ve never seen anything like it. It skinned and gutted a snake.
Taabe: Well, whatever it was, we’re in the cat’s den now. We have to deal with it first.
'A hunter doesn't wait. He hunts.' - Paaka (Prey) Share on X
Naru: The lion won’t think that we’re hunting it here. It’ll think it’s hunting us. We get some bait, then climb up and wait for it.
Paaka: A hunter doesn’t wait. He hunts. We could be here all night.
Naru: We could stalk the forest all night and not find anything too.
Paaka: If you’re too afraid to hunt, go back to camp where you belong.
Taabe: We’ll try it Naru’s way. We’ll bait it, then I’ll lead the cat to you.
Taabe: It’s time, Naru. Your kuhtaamia. When the lion comes, you tell that thing, “This is as far as you go. No more. This is it.”
Paaka: [to Naru, who’s sharpening her weapon] It won’t matter how sharp it is if you’re too afraid to use it. You think you’re ready? You’ve never faced a lion. Its mouth full of teeth like arrows, ready to tear your flesh and crush your bones. When your brother comes back, he and I will find the lion, and kill it.
[suddenly something takes Paaka]
Naru: There’s something else out there. Taabe needs my help.
Aruka: If your brother needed you, he wouldn’t have brought you back here. You think the reason for kuhtaamia is to prove you can hunt, but there’s only one reason. To survive.
Taabe: [referring to the lion they killed] We did it.
Naru: No. We didn’t do it. What do you think left those tracks, and skinned that snake? And before I fell, I saw lightning in the trees.
Taabe: Naru.
Naru: There’s something else out there.
Taabe: And if there is, I’ll get it.
'You think the reason for kuhtaamia is to prove you can hunt, but there's only one reason. To survive.' - Aruka (Prey) Share on X
Naru: Well, I’ll hunt alone if I have to.
Taabe: You can’t.
Naru: Do I need your permission, War Chief?
Taabe: It’s not about permission. You can’t. I had to carry you back.
Naru: I can hunt.
Taabe: [to Naru] You’re right. We didn’t do it. I did. You tried it. You just, you couldn’t bring it home.
'If they don't see, then show them.' - Naru (Prey) Share on X
Naru: We have to go find whatever left those tracks.
Naru: I saw it.
Wasape: Saw what?
Naru: I saw what left those tracks.
Wasape: The bear?
Naru: There was a bear, but there was something else, and it was huge. I couldn’t see it until it was covered in blood, but it looked like a mupitsl.
Wasape: You saw a monster from a children’s story?
Naru: It fought and killed a bear with its hands, easily.
Ania: How come it didn’t kill you?
Itsee: We have him.
Naru: No. He has us.
Raphael: You should be helping us. I think this creature is a hunter, looking for the strongest beast. What do you know? It killed your whole party.
Naru: No. It didn’t kill everyone.
Raphael: If you were smart, you’d help us.
Taabe: The thing the white men are trying to catch, that’s what you went out after? It’s what you were tracking?
Naru: Yes.
Taabe: And that’s what you chose for kuhtaamia?
'If it bleeds, we can kill it.' - Taabe (Prey) Share on X
Taabe: We’re the bait. He’s coming for us.
Naru: No. No. It doesn’t want bait. It doesn’t hunt that way. Before the trappers captured me, it saw me. It came right up to me, and then left. It didn’t think I was a threat.
Taabe: You want to know how I killed that lion? Your plan. The tree. You weakened it. You had it, Naru. You can see what I miss. You always have.
Naru: I don’t know that this thing can be killed.
Taabe: If it bleeds, we can kill it.
Naru: Do you remember the flood when we were young? I saw a beaver that had its legs pinned between two rocks. The water was rising so fast, it knew it was going to die. So it chewed off its own leg. It was worth it to the beaver, losing its leg to be free.
Taabe: What are you doing, Naru? Naru, stop!
Naru: [as she frees them using a hunting snare] I’m smarter than a beaver.
Raphael: [showing Naru how to us a gun] Take the powder and put it in the gun. Not too little, not too much.
Naru: [referring to the Predator not seeing Raphael] It can’t see him.
'This is as far as you go. No more. This is it.' - Naru (Prey) Share on X
Taabe: Run, Naru. It thinks I’m the threat. This is as far as I go. No more. This is it.
Naru: No.
Taabe: Bring it home.
[just then the Predator impales him with its claws from behind]
Naru: You bled my brother. So now you bleed.
Naru: [as she eats the orange totsiyaa plant] You think that I am not a hunter like you. That I am not a threat. That is what makes me dangerous. You can’t see that I’m killing you. And it won’t either.
Naru: [just before the Predator is killed] Do it. Come on, do it. This is as far as you go. No more. This is it.
Naru: [to the chief, after she brings them the decapitated head of the Predator] There is danger nearby. We need to move to easier protected ground.