Our list of the best quotes from Apple TV+ spy thriller series based on the novel of the same name by Mick Herron. Slow Horses follows a team of British intelligence agents, led by Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman), who due to their career-ending mistakes, have been banished to the agency’s lowest department, an administrative purgatory for service rejects, known as slow horses. However, because of the newly-exiled agent, River Cartwright (Jack Lowden), determination to get back on the field, the unlikely team gets caught up in a top-secret dangerous mission.
Slow Horses is available to watch on Apple TV+.
Season 1 Quotes
Jackson Lamb: I thought spooks were supposed to be stealthy. Another day dawns on MI-F***ing Useless.
Catherine Standish: [as River’s going through the garbage] What are you looking for?
River Cartwright: A reason not to blow my brains out.
Roddy Ho: [to Catherine] Is today the day you finally give me something remotely challenging?
River Cartwright: I don’t know what I’m looking for.
Jackson Lamb: Yeah. The remnants of a once promising career.
Jackson Lamb: Is it me, or did all the fun go out of everything around 1979?
Jackson Lamb: What’s all this “we”? There is no “we”. There’s just me telling you what to do.
Jackson Lamb: The last time you were given any sort of responsibility, a load of innocent people got blown to bits.
River Cartwright: And there it is.
Jackson Lamb: Well, I’m sorry you find it so tiresome, Cartwright, but it’s not the social faux pas you seem to think it was. You didn’t break wind during someone’s wedding vows.
Jackson Lamb: If a pilot crashes a simulator, he doesn’t then brush it off and go, “Well, I’m sorry. It was a f***ing exercise,” and then expect to be put behind the wheel of a 747.
River Cartwright: It’s not the same thing.
Jackson Lamb: No. It’s worse, you tit.
River Cartwright: You’re going to do this every day then?
Jackson Lamb: Well, if I didn’t hate the sight of you, I’d come to your home, and do it at the weekends too.
Jackson Lamb: I am surrounded by f***ups in this building, but you are the gold standard of f***ups. By all rights, you shouldn’t even be here. You should’ve skipped this purgatory and gone straight to hell. Melted you down for glue. But you avoided that because your name is Cartwright. So when you wonder why I have you going through the rubbish of a disgraced right-wing journo, wonder no more. It’s because I don’t like you. And I want you to quit.
River Cartwright: I’ll just get back to retching then, shall I?
River Cartwright: Sid’s gone for coffee.
Jackson Lamb: No, she’s already had coffee. She was getting away from you. Failure is contagious.
River Cartwright: There’s no lives in your hands here in HR, is there?
Spider Webb: Yeah, and what have you got in your hands at Slough House, apart from your d**k?
River Cartwright: Yeah, you see, if you have to explain a joke, it’s because it’s not working.
Catherine Standish: What did your last servant die of?
Jackson Lamb: What did your last boss die of?
Sid Baker: Oh, cry me a river, River. No, seriously, as a friend…
River Cartwright: As a friend? Are we friends? I don’t think I’m ready to make that kind of commitment, to be honest with you.
Sid Baker: Look, what I’m seeing right now is just not good for your dating profile.
River Cartwright: What are you? My dating coach?
Sid Baker: Absolutely not. That would be a full-time job.
Jackson Lamb: If people are happy to spend time in this building after 5:00 PM, then I’m not really doing my job.
Jackson Lamb: At the end of the working day, your pitiful, miserable time is your own. But if I find out you are indulging in extracurricular activities that could upset the equilibrium of this blessed sanctuary, then I will make it so that you wish you were in a Siberian gulag.
River Cartwright: Lamb’s been there years, so they’ve obviously never forgiven him. The man practically lives there. Was he ever actually good? I can’t imagine it.
River Cartwright: Moscow rules, watch your back. London rules, cover your a**.
Jackson Lamb: Oh, you people are slow. Bringing you up to speed is like trying to explain Norway to a dog.
River Cartwright: [referring to the hostage situation] Alright, so what do we do then?
Jackson Lamb: What we always do here. Absolutely nothing.
Jackson Lamb: When Cartwright comes back, tie him to his desk by his bollocks. I want my people in here, doing nothing.
Catherine Standish: Where were you?
River Cartwright: Just getting some air.
Catherine Standish: We have air in here.
River Cartwright: Yeah, well, it’s pretty fetid.
Roddy Ho: I’m from the streets. Sometimes I talk street.